Helmet Angel Shells Are Trialled on the Coast to Coast Route

Helmet Angel creator David Crampton invited a team of cycling enthusiasts from leading plastic injection moulding and tooling specialist, Omega Plastics, to trial the Helmet Angel ear defenders when they took on the renowned Coast to Coast cycling challenge last weekend.
The Coast to Coast challenge saw a team of seven employees from Omega Plastics cycle the 137 miles from Whitehaven to Tynemouth. The three-day event was the perfect endurance test of the Helmet Angel’s usability and effectiveness.
John Berry, logistics officer at Omega Plastics, said:
“When David from Hanaido heard about our plans to take part in the Coast to Coast, he kindly offered us the chance to try out his Helmet Angel product.
“This is the second time that a team from Omega Plastics has taken part in the Coast to Coast challenge, the first time in 2015 and then again, this year. Going forward, we hope to try and make it an annual event.
David first heard about Omega Plastics after his flooring business supplied some carpets to the company’s chairman, Chris Thompson.
“I’ve had ideas for products before but this is the first one that I have actually actioned,” David said.
“Omega Plastics has helped me every step of the way, from the very early moulding stages right through to the assembly and dispatch process.
“The team has provided very good, very patient support and has been invaluable to me when detailing the process and possibilities for the product.
“Looking to the future, I am keen to develop the Hanaido brand and the Helmet Angel product further to try to address safety issues within other activities that require participants to wear a helmet, such as skateboarding, scootering or equestrian sports.”
Rob Gray, operations manager at Omega Plastics, added:
“It’s not very often that we have the opportunity to test products that we have moulded in their intended environment, so it was incredibly kind of David to allow us to test the Helmet Angel for ourselves during the Coast to Coast
“The Helmet Angel was absolutely great. We experienced a lot of high winds and driving rain during the ride, especially when cycling over higher ground, and the Helmet Angel really helped to protect our ears and aid our hearing. This was beneficial not only for hearing traffic, but also for communicating with the other riders.
“We were delighted to support David at Hanaido with the development of his fantastic product and we look forward to helping him with other projects in the future.”
In addition to trialling the Helmet Angel, the Omega Plastics cycling team helped to raise over £1,000 for a number of charities during the ride, with beneficiaries including mental health charity, Mind and Cancer Research UK.
To find out more about Omega Plastics, visit www.omega-plastics.co.uk.
“We used the Helmet Angel shells on the three-day 137 mile Coast-to-Coast cycle route, and they were absolutely excellent.
“The shells and their padding are so lightweight and comfortable, you very quickly forget they are there, and they are also very stable – once we’d set them in position, they didn’t move at all.
“The use of the product was also really good. We found that the shells were very effective in mitigating wind noise and helping us to detect where traffic was coming from much more easily than if we hadn’t been wearing them. Even cycling at 30-40mph downhill, we could all hear perfectly.
“The shells provided excellent protection from the elements, which was particularly useful in the driving rain and when we went through a hailstorm up on the moors above Allenheads. We were very grateful for the shells in protecting us from the elements and high winds, and they kept us much warmer when the air turned cold, too.
I am really pleased with the shells. They were so beneficial for hearing traffic and communicating with the other riders, I would recommend them to everyone. I will definitely be keeping them on my helmet from now on.”
– Rob Gray, Team Leader, Coast-to-Coast Ride